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Selectmen Minutes 06/12/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 12, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Office
Assistant Jamie Pike.

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:02pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: Police Chief Patrick Clarke, Fire Chief Gil Vien, Deputy Fire Chief John Uitts, and
Emergency Management Director; Sgt. John Martel

PD- The Selectmen and Chief Clarke reviewed a letter from Richard Steed. Officer Stacy Seluk had
received the original complaint. Officer Seluk contacted Chief Clarke and informed the other officers of
the issue. Chief Clarke will contact Mr. Steed and discuss the issue.

Chief Clarke informed the Selectmen that due to recent accidents on Rte. 28, the department will be
increasing patrols on Rtes. 4 and 28. This will not be an additional budget expense due to the award from
the State of NH Highway Patrol Grant.

The Selectmen informed Chief Clarke about a nuisance complaint on Horse Corner Road concerning
barking dogs. Chief Clarke reported receiving prior calls concerning this matter and will report back to the
Selectmen with an accurate history of formal complaints concerning this manner. Further, Patrick will
review any State related RSA's that pertain to this matter and forward his findings to the Board.

EMD- Sgt. Martel reported that he had visited the residence of Charles Scheys concerning a flooding issue.
Sgt Martel informed Mr. Scheys to contact FEMA to address this situation.

FD- Chief Vien reported to the Selectmen that a member was dismissed on June 4.

Chief Vieo reported that the computer system is installed and operational.

Chief Vien reported that during an accident on Memorial Day that there was a personnel incident with a
Concord Fire Department employee.

Chief Vien reported that recent response in conjunction with Mutual-Aide has been exceptional.

Deputy Uitts is currently working on re-writing the current administrative regulations and guidelines for the
fire department.

Chief Vien reported that the forestry vehicle is inspected and operational and outfitting wil1 begin soon.

SUBJECT: Town Organization Committee
PRESENT: Mr. Bruce Dyke and Mr. Norm Larochelle

The committee came to the Selectmen with the following agenda:

-Areas to Further Pursue
-Fire Department
- Scope
- Structure
- Ambulance

- Regional Association

- Town Services Survey

The Selectmen reported to the Town Organization Committee (TOC) that Chief Vien has reported that the
Fire Department internal operations are progressing smoothly. Also, it has been reported that any rumors
the ambulance services provided by the Town of Loudon may be suspended have been allayed, although
other service relationships may be viewed as alternatives.

The TOC has drafted a letter to be communicated with the surrounding towns of Barnstead, Epsom,
Loudon, Pembroke and Pittsfield to propose the formation of a regional association. The Selectmen have
reviewed this letter and has authorized its disbursement.

The TOC was provided with a copy of the 2004 Master Plan to review and extract information. The TOC
will provide suggestions to the departments for their questions that are to be included in the proposed


Selectman DeBold made a motion and seconded by Selectmen MacCleery to appoint Mr. Scott Marston to
the Budget Committee for the term of 1 year. Motion passed.

The Board requested that a Letter of Interest be composed regarding the property located at 146 Dover
Road, Map 4 Lot 29.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

Mail and correspondence was reviewed.

The Board approved the minutes of June 5, 2007.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:26pm.

Respectfully submitted,